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1.7.0-alpha2 Development Preview Released


We are proud to announce the release of our second development preview for the 1.7 series of Xibo. The codename for this series is “Tuttle”.

This is primarily a bug fix release for the new features in 1.7.0-alpha, but you can also test the following new items:


  • Reporting for Client up / down events.
  • Improved Sorting for all table data.
  • “Select All” functions in key places.
  • Tabs for the Settings page.
  • Options for ticker media to not strip attributes.
  • Options for ticker media to strip certain tags.
  • Better database Export (works with larger databases when Apache Sendfile mode is enabled).
  • Date formatting for Tickers.
  • General Date formatting.
  • Translated Calendar (JavaScript Translations).
  • Remove Inactive users from the permissions list.
  • Switched all HTML based media to HTML5 doctype.
  • Option to scale embedded media.
  • More in the release notes / Launchpad.

The release notes are available in the manual and the download is available on Launchpad.

We hope that our next release in 1.7 will be 1.7.0-beta and will be feature frozen pending the stable 1.7.0 release early next year!

Please Note: This is a development preview release and should not be used in production.


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