We are proud to announce our first release for the 1.7 series of Xibo. The codename for this series is “Tuttle”.
It has taken us a little over 4 months to bring you the new features in this release – the highlights are:
- Clean, modern user interface
- Improved translatable manual
- Scheduling Calendar with Day, Week and Month Views
- Simplified Player Registration and Configuration
- Advanced Player Configuration managed from the CMS
- Screen Shot Request from the Player
- Media RSS support
- Twitter support
- Weather provided by Forecast IO
- Effects for Text based media
- New options for scaling web pages and embedded content
- Many bug fixes and improvements
- Settings for force HTTPS/STS
- Reporting for Client up / down events.
- Improved Sorting for all table data.
- “Select All” functions in key places.
- Tabs for the Settings page.
- Options for ticker media to not strip attributes.
- Options for ticker media to strip certain tags.
- Better database Export (works with larger databases when Apache Sendfile mode is enabled).
- Date formatting for Tickers.
- General Date formatting.
- Translated Calendar (JavaScript Translations).
- Remove Inactive users from the permissions list.
- Switched all HTML based media to HTML5 doctype.
- Option to scale embedded media.
- and much more.
The release notes are available in the manual and the download is available on Github.
We would like to take this opportunity to say a big Thank You to everyone involved in the Xibo Project Community. We couldn’t release Xibo without the help we get from people who reported bugs, submitted patches or donated money.
We have big plans for the future, so please subscribe to our RSS or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.
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Announcing Xibo for ChromeOS!
We’re thrilled to announce a new player in collaboration with ChromeOS. Bringing you Xibo for ChromeOS!

Xibo CMS v4.2.0 Released
Xibo v4.2 brings with it a host of new improvements that will improve the user experience and add new functionality.
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