We are pleased to announce our 1st bug fix release for the 1.8 series of Xibo. The codename for this series is “Tempel”.
Please use the links below to download this release:
- Xibo for Docker - Linux / Windows
- Xibo for Apache/Nginx / WAMP/IIS
You may use any 1.8 series compatible Player with this release.
The CMS can be upgraded to later versions - we recommend all users upgrade when possible to take advantage of the latest bug fixes and features. Please refer to the upgrade guide.
- Total issues resolved: 45
- Total pull requests resolved: 0
- Total contributors: 5
- 1136: Template: Unable to edit timeline of a newly created Layout (from Template) thanks to @dasgarner
- 1134: Schedule page is incorrectly displaying repeating daypart event thanks to @PeterMis
- 1133: User 'Page Security' form doesn't save without at least one permission assigned thanks to @PeterMis
- 1131: Cache: CSS/JS caching prevents correct site usage after upgrade thanks to @dasgarner
- 1128: Missing 'select all' functionality thanks to @PeterMis
- 1127: Tasks: Impossible CRON expression (empty task table) thanks to @dasgarner
- 1121: Declaration of overridden method should be compatible with parent class thanks to @dasgarner
- 1120: DataSet: Can't set empty value in a text field thanks to @dasgarner
- 1118: Upgrade: De-dupe any Media/Display Group Assignments - incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by thanks to @dasgarner
- 1116: Display: Problems with display profile when date format is H:i:s (Trailing Data Error) thanks to @dasgarner
- 1115: Widget: Ticker image size mismatch between designer and player thanks to @dasgarner
- 1113: Widget: Remote resources - ticker,twitter,etc - fail to move to library on Windows thanks to @dasgarner
- 1111: SSL: Load Balancers on custom ports output incorrect port number thanks to @dasgarner
- 1110: Widget: Background colour selected on text/ticker item is not applied thanks to @PeterMis
- 1108: Schedule: Day view shows wrong start/finish date for Custom Daypart thanks to @alexharrington
- 1106: XMDS: 'Invalid Character error' on displayRegister when using Commands having a non-alpha reference code thanks to @PeterMis
- 1105: Schedule: Jalali calendar breaks the schedule page thanks to @PeterMis
- 1104: Currency Module - Template switch causes bad behaviour thanks to @maurofmferrao
- 1098: Widget: DataSetView should default to "overrideTemplate" for backwards compatibility thanks to @dasgarner
- 1097: Upgrade: DataSet's with list content cause the upgrade to fail thanks to @dasgarner
- 1094: Schedule: Always schedules do not work on 32bit systems thanks to @dasgarner
- 1093: Upgrade: run through maintenance means DBVersion isn't redeclared thanks to @dasgarner
- 1092: Layout Designer: Library is empty with German locale thanks to @zemmediamatiker
- 1091: Layout Designer: Adding image doesn't work with German locale thanks to @zemmediamatiker
- 1090: Library: Delete temporary files too aggressive thanks to @dasgarner
- 1089: Library: Tidy routine deletes background images thanks to @dasgarner
- 1088: Logging: Log dates submitted from the Player are not corrected for timezone thanks to @dasgarner
- 1087: Upgrade - Empty Layouts aren't converted - Resolution not Found thanks to @dasgarner
- 1084: API: Unassign isDisplaySpecific Display Groups thanks to @alexharrington
- 1083: Layout Designer: Impossible to create region with German locale thanks to @alexharrington
- 1082: Upgrade: Layouts upgraded from 1.7.9 set all widgets to useDuration = 0 thanks to @dasgarner
- 1081: Schedule: Typo on Weekly repeating event form in schedule thanks to @alexharrington
- 1135: XMDS: Stats submit should ignore old "background" mediaids thanks to @dasgarner
- 1126: Widget: CKEditor scaling inside the text preview window thanks to @dasgarner
- 1125: Widget: Supply larger font point sizes thanks to @dasgarner
- 1117: Schedule Now - 'Please enter a from date' thanks to @PeterMis
- 1112: Settings: Lower cache time for some settings thanks to @dasgarner
- 1101: Layout Designer: Upgrade Layout button improvements thanks to @PeterMis
- 1099: Improve Stats Archive for large stats quantities thanks to @dasgarner
- 1086: Audit Log: Record schedule changes thanks to @dasgarner
- 1132: Theme example in the manual is missing a php tag thanks to @alexharrington
- 1107: Docker Requirements thanks to @alexharrington
- 1102: Add note to the install guide re Firewall thanks to @alexharrington
- 1129: Schedule Command and Send command doesn't work thanks to @PeterMis
- 1123: Users can't select display on the Schedule page and form thanks to @PeterMis
Read more from the blog

Announcing Xibo for ChromeOS!
We’re thrilled to announce a new player in collaboration with ChromeOS. Bringing you Xibo for ChromeOS!

Xibo CMS v4.2.0 Released
Xibo v4.2 brings with it a host of new improvements that will improve the user experience and add new functionality.
Read more from the blog