We are pleased to announce our 6th bug fix release for the 1.8 series of Xibo. The codename for this series is “Tempel”.
Please use the links below to download this release:
- Xibo for Docker - Linux / Windows
- Xibo for Apache/Nginx / WAMP/IIS
You may use any 1.8 series compatible Player with this release.
The CMS can be upgraded to later versions - we recommend all users upgrade when possible to take advantage of the latest bug fixes and features. Please refer to the upgrade guide.
- Total issues resolved: 22
- Total contributors: 3
- 1422: Zlib support missing from PHP7 containers (SAML doesnt work) thanks to @dasgarner
- 1420: Regular Maintenance: Expire modified files shouldn't touch files still linked thanks to @dasgarner
- 1417: Some combinations of subgroups impossible thanks to @alexharrington
- 1416: Ticker: No transition shouldn't take transition fudge factor into account thanks to @dasgarner
- 1415: Templates should be owned by the creator, not the original layout owner thanks to @dasgarner
- 1413: Display Settings - Use CMS Time does not work under all circumstances thanks to @PeterMis
- 1408: Ticker - CKE editor and use of library images thanks to @PeterMis
- 1407: Campaigns - editing layout assigned to a campaign in an active schedule cache issues thanks to @PeterMis
- 1406: Dayparts - daypartId issues thanks to @PeterMis
- 1405: Campaigns - Layout assignment permission issues thanks to @PeterMis
- 1402: Schedule - Saving on Edit after removing Repeats Until date is impossible thanks to @PeterMis
- 1401: Ticker: setting a non-document URL causes tmp to become full thanks to @dasgarner
- 1400: Widget concurrent lock timeout not long enough thanks to @dasgarner
- 1399: Email down alerts don't work correctly if the display grid is refreshed thanks to @dasgarner
- 1411: Clock widget - Flip Clock scaling issues thanks to @PeterMis
- 1421: Allow HTTP access to the current date/time thanks to @dasgarner
- 1410: DataSets - lc_time_names is not correctly respected thanks to @PeterMis
- 1396: Email notifications - configurable 'FromName' thanks to @PeterMis
- 1419: Manual: Displays out of date thanks to @dasgarner
- 1409: Forecast IO missing icons thanks to @PeterMis
- 1397: Weather widget points to the wrong API path thanks to @dasgarner
- 1403: Apache KeepAlive Off regression in 1.8.5 thanks to @dasgarner
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