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2.2.0-alpha Released


We are pleased to announce the release of our first development preview for the 2.2 version of Xibo. The codename for this version is “Olbers”.

13P/Olbers is a periodic comet with an orbital period of 69 years. The comet was discovered on March 6, 1815 and it will next come to perihelion on June 30, 2024.

2.2.0-alpha is a development preview only and should not be used in production. You can upgrade to this release from 1.8/2.x series.

Main Focus

The main focus for 2.2 is to improve the scheduling capabilities of Xibo. 2.2.0-alpha brings 2 key features:

Schedule End Reminders:
For each event you create in the Calendar you can ask to be reminded, by notification or email, at a time before or after the event starts or finishes.

Media Expiration Dates:
Using the Library page you can set an expiry date on an item and have it automatically removed from Xibo at that time.

We have also included a number of other improvements:

  • Layouts are automatically checked out when you add them
  • Set operating hours on a Display
  • Layout Export now includes Sub-Playlists
  • Multi-delete on Notifications
  • Upload a Media file using a URL
  • Specify custom HTTP headers on Remote DataSets
  • Define a maximum Image size and have larger images automatically resized when they are added


We're making this alpha available for people to try using our recommended installation method, Docker. We will be providing release files for the stable 2.2.0 release for those of you running without Docker in due course.

Future development

Our immediate development work will be to prepare a 2.2.0-alpha2 release which will add more polish to all the features we've put in 2.2 so far. We will also be responding to your feedback and any bug reports.

Beyond 2.2 we've begun planning 2.3, which will focus on bringing together all of the feedback we've had in version 2.


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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

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4.0.14 Released

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Xibo v4.1 is coming soon!

Xibo v4.1 is coming soon. With great Interactive Signage capabilities, Layout Editing and Previewing Improvements and Enterprise Display Management.

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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v4 R403. This release fixes 8 issues.

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4.0.14 Released

Announcing the 14th patch to the 4.0 version of the Xibo CMS.

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