We are pleased to announce our 8th patch for the 2.3 version of Xibo. The codename for this version is “Wolf”.
14P/Wolf is a periodic comet with an orbital period of 8.74a (Julian years). Max Wolf (Heidelberg, Germany) discovered the comet on September 17, 1884. It is particularly interesting as its perihelion and orbital period change due to the influcence of Jupiter.
This release fixes 31 issues.
Please use the links below to download this release:
- Xibo for Docker Linux / Windows
- Xibo for Apache/Nginx / WAMP/IIS
You may use any v2 compatible Player with this release. At the time of writing these are the latest:
1.8 series Players will function but please be aware that new v2 features will not be supported.
- 2375: Display Settings Profile: Web Page Whitelists for NTLM/Edge
- 2368: Suggestion: Status information for layouts on Campaigns page.
- 2354: Improve "Allow PHP to open external URLs"
- 2350: Transfer Display to another CMS improvements
- 2348: Filter stat by (<) Stat Date
- 2345: Enhancement: Screenshot options for Tizen profiles to be changed
- 2337: Help text to include Tizen for Video media module
- 2336: Layout Designer: Order regions in the timeline by Name
- 2329: Enhancement: Add Update Window functionality to Tizen and webOS Display profiles
- 2328: Enhancement: Include Help text for Screen Dimensions option in Edit Display menu.
- 2209: DataSet Ticker to get Randomise option
- 2374: Issue with dynamic media tags across multiple User's
- 2373: Video: End Detect should output a 0 duration in XLF
- 2367: Using the Schedule Now form on Campaigns page creates layout events.
- 2365: Cant Import Layout which contains a Playlist with a Tag
- 2364: Cant Import Layout which contains a Widget with a Library Reference
- 2363: Package HTML nominated file should be URL encoded
- 2357: XMDS Register does not send the type of config options manually provided in register
- 2355: Default layout is invalid and Interleave Default enabled causes errors
- 2349: Engagements in Archive Stat
- 2344: Using "- "in a search field returns a SQL error
- 2342: Tutorial will not proceed if steps not followed exactly.
- 2341: Stats Archive can miss records that arrive at the CMS a long time after they are recorded
- 2339: Stats Archive times out on large MongoDB sets of data
- 2338: Retired User accounts can access CMS
- 2335: Pending image conversion status remains on layouts after image successfully converted.
- 2331: Library: Replacing a file shouldn't change the owner
- 2327: Command scheduling issue: Always daypart causes issue with creating command
- 2359: Status Dashboard bandwidth chart gives duplicates when Displays are in Display Groups
- 2358: Stats Export/API get gives duplicates when display is in a group
- 2300: Embedded Widget: displayId and other variables
Future development
We are working to bring you CMS 3.0.0-rc1 and Xibo for Windows v3 R300 early next year.
We've started work on CMS 3.1.0-alpha, which will continue our "behind the scenes" upgrades, this time with Bootstrap. These upgrades bring stability and security improvements to the platform.
Read more from the blog
Xibo for Android v4 R406
We are pleased to announce Xibo for Android v4 R405. This release fixes 2 issues.
Xibo for Windows v4 R404
We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v4 R404. This release fixes 2 issues.
Read more from the blog