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3.0.0-rc2 Released


We are pleased to announce the release of our second release candidate for the 3.0 version of Xibo. The codename for this version is “Finlay”.

15P/Finlay is a periodic comet with an orbital period of 6.51a (Julian years). William Henry Finlay (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa) discovered the comet on September 26, 1886. It's last closest approach to the sun was in December 2014 and is on it's way back in July 2021.

We'd love for you to test our new release candidate! If you do, please keep in mind that it is a release candidate only and should not be used in production. You can upgrade to this release from 2.x series.

Whats new in Xibo version 3?

We're excited that this release candidate means we're finished adding features to 3.0! In our Whats new in Xibo version 3 article you can find a summary of all the things we've added and changed.

If you'd rather read the announcements we've made at each stage, you can do so in the following release blogs:


Please use the links below to download this release:

To try out the interactive features of v3 you will need to use the Windows Player v3 R300.1 Alpha.

UPDATE 30th March: Please use the Windows Player v3 R300.2 Alpha.

You may use any v2 compatible Player with this release, unless you want to test the new interactive features. At the time of writing these are the latest players:

1.8 series Players will also function but please be aware that v2/v3 features will not be supported. We recommend using player software of the same version.


Future development

We're going to be hard at work testing this new release candidate and the new windows player to ensure its up to our standards. We might put out a third release candidate to fix issues, or go straight to a stable 3.0.0.

We will also be working to bring this release candidate to our Cloud platform.

v3.0 is shaping up to be an exciting release and we're pleased that it will arrive before Finlay makes its closest approach to the sun in 7 years!


Read more from the blog

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Xibo v4.1 is coming soon!

Xibo v4.1 is coming soon. With great Interactive Signage capabilities, Layout Editing and Previewing Improvements and Enterprise Display Management.

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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v4 R403. This release fixes 8 issues.

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4.0.14 Released

Announcing the 14th patch to the 4.0 version of the Xibo CMS.

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Read more from the blog

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Xibo v4.1 is coming soon!

Xibo v4.1 is coming soon. With great Interactive Signage capabilities, Layout Editing and Previewing Improvements and Enterprise Display Management.

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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v4 R403. This release fixes 8 issues.

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4.0.14 Released

Announcing the 14th patch to the 4.0 version of the Xibo CMS.

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