We are pleased to announce the second patch to the 3.3 version of Xibo. The codename for this version is “Borrelly”.
19P/Borrelly, a periodic comet, which was visited by the spacecraft Deep Space 1 in 2001. The comet last came to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on February 1, 2022 and will next come to perihelion on December 11, 2028.
** UPDATE: 2023-01-13 **
We have discovered an issue with this release which causes high database load and players to stop updating with the CMS. This issue only effects users who have Layouts with Interactive Actions that "Navigate to Layout".
We recommend that effected users roll back to 3.3.1 and anyone using Navigate to Layout functionality skip this release and wait for 3.3.3.
Issue details are here:
Please use the links below to download this release:
- Xibo for Docker - Linux / Windows
- Xibo for Apache/Nginx / WAMP/IIS
We recommend using player software of the same version as your CMS. The latest player software is available here.
v2 players will connect to a v3 CMS, but please be aware that new v3 features will not be supported.
1.8 players will also function but please be aware that v2/v3 features will not be supported.
The minimum version of Xibo for webOS that will function with a v3 CMS is v2 R206.
The minimum version of Xibo for Tizen that will function with a v3 CMS is v2 R202.
21 issues have been addressed in this release!
- 2981: DataSet : add row with empty date column value throws unexpected error
- 2979: Ad Campaign : Edit form Back button issue
- 2978: Ad Campaigns: Cannot move the Ad Campaign to a different folder. thanks to @vishaldebipersad
- 2975: User Preferences: cannot turn off "Remember Folder tree state globally?"
- 2969: Schedule add/edit forms : Maximum plays per hour helpText popup shows incorrect player icon
- 2968: Actions : getLayoutCodes does not check permissions
- 2967: Schedule: it should not be possible to directly schedule an Ad Campaign
- 2966: Display Profile Settings: Player version override issue
- 2965: Add the Campaign column in the Saved Report
- 2964: Layout Thumbnail broken for subplaylist Widget
- 2963: Campaign : Copy issues
- 2962: Sub Playlist: spot/spot length are saved as strings
- 2961: DataSets data : Formula columns ordering issues
- 2947: Interactive: layouts not downloaded for 2nd level nesting and beyond
- 2976: Theme: update to use the refreshed Xibo logo
- 2971: Ad Campaigns: teething issues which may result in over or under play against target
- 2970: Schedule: filtering by an Ad Campaign should show the interrupt events created for it
- 2959: Connector Reports: List reports supported by a connector when it is enabled
- 2973: Notifications: system notifications should also go to assigned users
- 2972: Layout import : Cannot find Playlist error
- 2960: Sub Playlist: setting a spot count on a playlist without any items hangs the UI
Any feedback welcome in the comments!
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