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3.3.4 Released


We are pleased to announce the fourth patch to the 3.3 version of the Xibo CMS. The codename for this version is “Borrelly”.

19P/Borrelly, a periodic comet, which was visited by the spacecraft Deep Space 1 in 2001. The comet last came to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on February 1, 2022 and will next come to perihelion on December 11, 2028.

Docker users please note, if you normally manually adjust your docker-compose.yml file, or run the containers directly, then we have moved this release from DockerHub to Github packages. No action required if you use our download links below.

Our new image names for xibo-cms and xibo-xmr are:

  • ghcr.io/xibosignage/xibo-xmr:0.9
  • ghcr.io/xibosignage/xibo-cms:release-3.3.4

We have taken this decision due to a change in DockerHub's attitude towards open source projects.


Please use the links below to download this release:


We recommend using player software of the same version as your CMS. The latest player software is available here.

v2 players will connect to a v3 CMS, but please be aware that new v3 features will not be supported.

1.8 players will also function but please be aware that v2/v3 features will not be supported.

The minimum version of Xibo for webOS that will function with a v3 CMS is v2 R206.

The minimum version of Xibo for Tizen that will function with a v3 CMS is v2 R202.


17 issues have been addressed in this release!


Any feedback welcome in the comments!


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