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6 Ways To Stay Safe Using Digital Signage
Last week we started the first of our future ready series of blogs. Weekly tips on how you can use Xibo to plan for a “new-normal” future after Covid-19.
As we look toward a time when workplaces, hospitality, retail and education settings will fully open again, safeguarding must be a top priority. Employees, customers, students and colleagues need to feel secure during these uncertain times.
Tip Of The Week:
Make Safety Integration Planning A Priority
- Digital Signage communications with Xibo can offer reassurance, guidance and emergency alerts quickly and across multiple locations at the same time. Over the last year we have seen guidance around the world change dramatically, sometimes within a matter of minutes. It is essential to have a system in place where messaging can be shared with a wide audience within minutes, without the need to manually print posters and change floor stickers.
Consider education. Schools across the world are currently closed due to the pandemic. When they re-open, children may need more guidance than usual. Reminders about keeping their distance from their peers, whom they’ll have missed and instinctively want to hug and fist bump!
- Digital signage in high traffic areas such as the school entrance, corridors and halls can help to remind children about the safety rules but also welcome them back. Bright and welcoming layouts with positive but essential messaging can be delivered to large groups of children. This allows for minimal direct contact saving time and money on printing posters which risk being touched or damaged.
- Digital Signage in Universities and higher education settings will also be highly effective in areas such as lecture halls, accommodation areas and libraries reminding students to stay safe in and outside of campus.
Emergency Alerts integration can also be highly effective for communicating across teams with limited email or internet access. To reduce sharing of devices and cross contamination, digital displays can show urgent, timely alerts to teams indicating team isolation requirements or government restriction changes.
- Xibo can automatically show specific Layouts in the event of an emergency Covid alert by leveraging the CMS’s API and our XMR technology.
Digital Signage in the Hospitality industry will be essential. This sector has been severely impacted by Covid-19 restrictions, so as pubs, restaurants, cafes and hotels prepare to welcome customers again, it will be essential to remind them to follow the rules such as wearing masks and washing their hands, but consider how to make their experience enjoyable and safe, while protecting staff too.
- Digital menus can be designed quickly and easily within the Xibo CMS layout designer and not only reduce contact for all, but reduce waste! This makes for a safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative. Check out our step by step guide on how to create a menu in the Xibo CMS.
Consider digital self service screens at tables. These can be easily cleaned after each customer and allow for less direct verbal contact with staff. Xibo already has excellent interactivity functionality, and the release of Xibo version 3 will significantly extend the ability to develop highly interactive experiences
Next week: Alternative display solutions
Over the last year, there have been great advances in display types which are Covid safe. Next week we’ll cover alternative display solutions which can be integrated with Xibo signage and deployed as part of your future ready digital signage projects.
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Five Key Takeaways From ISE 2025
Discover Xibo’s takeaways from this year’s ISE in Barcelona. From sustainability to AI, you’ll walk away with a clear view of 2025’s digital signage trends.

Announcing Xibo for ChromeOS!
We’re thrilled to announce a new player in collaboration with ChromeOS. Bringing you Xibo for ChromeOS!
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