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Announcing Xibo v3


We are excited to announce that Xibo v3 (code named “Finlay”) has been released!

For two years, the Xibo development team have been building the latest and greatest version of our digital signage content management system. As business priorities across the world have shifted with the continuing pandemic, Xibo has responded by providing a revitalised content management system with features focused on the safety of employees and customers as well as the requirement for enhanced user experience.

Xibo v3 has an astounding 7 new features, focused directly on meeting customer needs.

Interactivity - We’ve taken interactivity to the next level by introducing two elements to our interactive component: touch and web hooks. Thus meeting the growing demand for safer interaction with Touchless Interactivity.

Folders - Organise and share your content with ease with our new Folders addition

Features - Control exactly what users and user groups can see and do within Xibo with by enabling or disabling features, or streamline onboarding by using one of our preconfigured user groups.

Widgets - Two new widgets have been added to the suite; a World Clock and Weather Tiles. Supported Players have also been embedded with a new smoother scrolling marquee for Text/Ticker widgets.

Commands - We've overhauled commands to make them easier to configure and more powerful.

Reports - A new report centre has been developed to pull all reports into one place so that they are easy to find and run.

Web Portal - The CMS web portal has been updated with the latest libraries and frameworks keeping Xibo at the cutting edge of modern security best practices and design trends.

You can learn more about each of the features in our What’s New in Xibo v3 blog.

We also have new v3 Android and Windows players available with this release.

To download the latest version of Xibo and the players, please see the Xibo v3 Release Notes.

“Xibo v3 is our response to the growing need for more interactive digital signage experiences. With support for both touch and touchless interactions, Xibo v3 provides the foundational tools needed to deliver successful interactive digital signage.”

~ Dan Garner, co-Founder and Engineering Director at Xibo Signage


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Xibo v4.1 is coming soon!

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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

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4.0.14 Released

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