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Summer Round-up


We’ve had a busy “summer” this year with lots going on at Xibo HQ.

1.8 “Tempel”

Our main focus has been 1.8 series and we are pleased to report that we are close to a viable 1.8.0-alpha release. If you’ve been following the development you’ll know that 1.8 contains a rewrite to the core application which brings Xibo up to date with the latest conventions, adds a framework and includes the Twig template engine for easy theme adjustments.

We’re wrapping up initial testing before we push forward with some extra features before release. Developers and early adopters are encouraged to try the development branch on GitHub and report any issues they counter on the Community. There are instructions in the README for installation from the repository. At present it is an install only release and will not upgrade older versions, so please don’t try!


We’ve also included our new API documentation which has all been written in Swagger (you can find the swagger.json file in the repository). The API is easier to use than ever before and to prove it we’ve designed the web portal to use it too! This means the routes you call as an API developer are the same tried and tested routes we use in the web portal.

Xibo for Android

There is a new Xibo for Android update available which builds on the stability enjoyed by users of 1.7 R55. R56 adds further stability improvements as some handy features – see the announcement.

1.7 “Tuttle”

We’ve had a lot of questions about 1.7 support after 1.8 is released and we would like to put people at ease! 1.7 will receive at least 1 more bug fix release (1.7.5). This will happen after 1.8.0-alpha.

That’s all for this round-up!


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Xibo v4.1 is coming soon!

Xibo v4.1 is coming soon. With great Interactive Signage capabilities, Layout Editing and Previewing Improvements and Enterprise Display Management.

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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v4 R403. This release fixes 8 issues.

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4.0.14 Released

Announcing the 14th patch to the 4.0 version of the Xibo CMS.

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Read more from the blog

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Xibo v4.1 is coming soon!

Xibo v4.1 is coming soon. With great Interactive Signage capabilities, Layout Editing and Previewing Improvements and Enterprise Display Management.

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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v4 R403. This release fixes 8 issues.

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4.0.14 Released

Announcing the 14th patch to the 4.0 version of the Xibo CMS.

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