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The information contained on this page is now archived. Please see our website and documentation for current information

Upcoming in 2011


Seasons greetings and a Happy New Year from the Xibo Team!

Xibo Products and Services Directory

We are proud to announce the Xibo Products and Services directory. This will be a place for companies and individuals who offer Xibo products and services to get listed on xibo.org.uk. Our hope is that this will be an important tool for prospective Xibo users to find the help and support they need in starting and managing a Xibo Digital Signage Solution.

We are now taking submissions for entry into the directory via email to info@xibo.org.uk. All submissions are to include the following information:

  • Company/Individual Name
  • Website URL
  • A short description of the Xibo related products/services offered
  • A yes/no answer to whether the following are offered: - Software as a Service (Xibo Hosting)
  • Custom Development work
  • Support
  • Installation
  • Content Creation
  • Hardware
  • Consulting

Alternatively navigate to xibo.org.uk/directory-submission-form/ and fill in the form provided.

New Team Member

We are delighted to welcome Matthew Holder to the Xibo team. Matt has been tireless in his efforts to get the most out of Xibo and along the way has helped us by answering questions on Launchpad, bug triage, testing, documentation and code contribution.

Look out for some exciting additions from Matt (check the blueprints for a sneak peak!) and lookout for him on Launchpad!

Stable Release 1.2.1

We are working on a minor release of our 1.2 series of Xibo which will include numerous bug fixes, particularly with the .NET client and installations that only operate with a single layout. 1.2.1 will also include the Offline Download Client, this is a cross platform python application which downloads media and schedule information from a Xibo server and saves it to a USB memory stick for transfer to a Xibo Python client running in Offline Mode. For more information on this new feature take a look at our wiki.

1.3.0 Development preview release

The entire Xibo team is working hard on the next development preview of Xibo. Nothing is set in stone as yet, but here is a taster of the new features you might expect from the release:

  • Xibo API + API Documentation
  • Xibo API Test Suite
  • File Upload Application
  • PowerPoint Viewer support for .NET client
  • Python Client update to use Libavg 1.5

There will be more about each of these to follow later in the year! We will of course also be including the usual raft of bug fixes from the 1.2 series!!

All the best for 2011!!!


Read more from the blog

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Xibo v4.1 is coming soon!

Xibo v4.1 is coming soon. With great Interactive Signage capabilities, Layout Editing and Previewing Improvements and Enterprise Display Management.

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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v4 R403. This release fixes 8 issues.

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4.0.14 Released

Announcing the 14th patch to the 4.0 version of the Xibo CMS.

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Read more from the blog

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Xibo v4.1 is coming soon!

Xibo v4.1 is coming soon. With great Interactive Signage capabilities, Layout Editing and Previewing Improvements and Enterprise Display Management.

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Xibo for Windows v4 R403

We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v4 R403. This release fixes 8 issues.

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4.0.14 Released

Announcing the 14th patch to the 4.0 version of the Xibo CMS.

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