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Xibo for Android R54 Available


We would like to announce Xibo for Android v1.7 R54. This release works with Xibo CMS versions 1.4, 1.6 and 1.7.

Features and Issues resolved in this release:

  • Fixed audio mute on video media
  • Improvements to communication between Player and CMS to prevent disconnections
  • Fixed priority scheduling when moving from recurring schedules that are of the same Layout
  • Fixed image alignment
  • Fixed problem opening the settings page in some circumstances when the settings were provided from the CMS
  • Added Support for USB Storage
  • Call shell commands natively if the application is signed with the platform key (requires white label build)
  • Added WebView start options for clients requiring active content in webpages
  • Expose server key with a check box in CMS Connection Wizard

Download Xibo for Android R54.

Take advantage of the free 14 day no obligation trial. Available to purchase directly from our website. Instructions for upgrading from an earlier release can be found in the FAQ. It’s also well worth having a look at the Knowledge Base.

If you have a white label build of the application it is available in your account.


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