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Xibo for Android v2 R203 Available


Xibo Signage are pleased to announce Xibo for Android v2 R203. This release works with Xibo CMS version 2.0/2.1/2.2 and has legacy mode for versions 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8.

Features and Issues resolved in this release:

  • Connect the Player to a CMS using a code rather than entering Address/Key
  • HTML based content not showing on Player restart
  • Proof of Play hourly aggregation miscounting on period overlaps
  • Force HTTPS setting
  • Transfer Display to another CMS
  • Send the device IMEI number as the computer name if available
  • Fix max log age check so that logs aren't removed ahead of time
  • Edge case with Install Date
  • Add an XMR command to check for a licence on demand
  • Edge case where Region Loop can cause duplicate proof of play
  • XMR command to resize the Player window
  • Send the Player resolution to the CMS
  • Fix for setting date/time from CMS on Android 6.0+

Download Xibo for Android v2 R203.

Download Xibo for Android v2 R203 for DSDevices J18 and J19.

Instructions for upgrading from an earlier release can be found in the Administration Manual.

If you have a white label build of the application, the upgrade is available in your account.


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