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Xibo for Windows v2-edge R201


Xibo are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v2-edge R201. This release works with Xibo CMS version 2 and has legacy mode for version 1.8.

UPDATE: We found some unfortunate issues with this release and now recommend that users who want a different browser to our standard release use the WPF pre release.

In this release we have swapped from the Windows Forms BrowserControl, which is based on Internet Explorer, and moved to the Microsoft WebView toolkit based on Edge. This will advance the Player's web rendering capabilities and bring it more inline with current standards.

This release is identical to the v2 R201 release from October, except that we:

  • Have swapped to the Edge Browser
  • Require Windows 10
  • Require .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Added a readme step to the installer which explains what the application does and who it is for

Download Xibo for Windows v2-edge R201.

You can still get a release compatible with Windows 7 and earlier:

Download Xibo for Windows v2 R201.

Instructions for upgrading from an earlier release can be found in the FAQ.

Windows 7

Back in November, we wrote about how the end of support for Windows 7 might effect your Digital Signage.

To help your transition to Windows 10, Xibo will maintain a version 2 of the Player for Windows 7 alongside the newer Windows 10 compatible release. The newer release will have the prefix v2-edge as opposed to v2.

Version 3 of the Player will nolonger support Windows 7 and we do therefore recommend that all users of Xibo for Windows make plans to upgrade their operating system.


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