We are pleased to announce the release of the 3.2 version of Xibo. The codename for this version is “Perrine”. This is a feature update to 3.0 and 3.1, with improvements to folders, filtering, and a commercial add-on to securely show dashboards from PowerBI, Grafana and Matomo.
18D/Perrine-Mrkos is a periodic comet in the Solar System, originally discovered by the American-Argentine astronomer Charles Dillon Perrine (Lick Observatory, California, United States) on December 9, 1896. For some time it was thought to be a fragment of Biela's Comet.
Please use the links below to download this release:
- Xibo for Docker - Linux / Windows
- Xibo for Apache/Nginx / WAMP/IIS
We recommend using player software of the same version as your CMS. The latest player software is available here.
v2 players will connect to a v3 CMS, but please be aware that new v3 features will not be supported.
1.8 players will also function but please be aware that v2/v3 features will not be supported.
The minimum version of Xibo for webOS that will function with a v3 CMS is v2 R206.
The minimum version of Xibo for Tizen that will function with a v3 CMS is v2 R202.
10 issues have been addressed in this release! This release also contains the latest fixed issues from 3.1.5.
- 2885: Folders: can't select a folder for layouts/displays if campaigns/displaygroups features are disabled
- 2869: Sub-Playlist: cycle based playback does not work when nested
- 2884: Display Settings: Embedded Web Server Port profile option for SoC players
- 2883: Folders: move folders to different parent folders and move content between folders easily
- 2882: Folders: add a "home" folder for a user
- 2881: Filtering: add a logical operator to the name filter
- 2880: Folders: add a setting to preventing Users from saving into the Root Folder
- 2874: Library: collect resolution on videos/images
- 2863: Displays: add LAN IP address when available
- 2831: Dynamic Display Group Criteria tags limit
Please leave any feedback in the comments!
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