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New Content in the Xibo Layout Exchange

We’ve added new layouts to the Xibo Layout Exchange today, contributed by various Xibo users world wide. They’re royalty free to use on your Xibo Digital Signage System, so have a look and see if they can help you make your layouts sing! Head over to the Layout Exchange! [/layouts] ![](/content/images/2013/11/4_regions_16-9_green_tn-150x113.jpg) ![](/content/images/2013/11/Events_tn-150x113.jpg) ![](/content/images/2013/11/4_regions_16-9_blue_tn-150x113.jpg) ![](/content/images/2013/11/Xibo3Co

Published on: 2013-11-25

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Improved User Manual

The Xibo Digital Signage solution has grown massively over the last 3 years – unfortunately the documentation has not followed suit… until now! We have begun work on consolidating all Xibo related material into one easily accessible manual. The first revision of the Xibo for Android manual is already available here []. The rest of the open source solution will follow when we release 1.6.0. We hope you find the new documentation useful – if you have any feedback

Published on: 2013-11-16

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Typhoon Haiyan - Spread the word

This is a repost from Dave Haynes Blog onSixteen:Nine [].  We would encourage any Xibo Digital Signage users to take the free content below and help spread the word on your digital signage. [/content/images/2013/11/typhoonappeal.jpg] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “In a little more than 24 hours we have turned around great 15-second creative spots for digital signage and digital out o

Published on: 2013-11-14

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Moving to PDO - Notice to server admins

We have recently taken the difficult decision of migrating the Xibo code base away from the PHP MySQL extension and over to PHP PDO. Despite this being a significant development effort the end user will not notice any changes. This change will be rolled out over the next few releases with core functions/inserts/updates/deletes covered from 1.5 series, and all queries covered from 1.7 series. The advantages to PDO are many – the key ones for us are: * Potential to support different RDBMS (e.g

Published on: 2013-09-15

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Become a Support Hero!

Using Xibo? Know your way around it well? Could you spare a few minutes each day to help others in the community and give something back? As Xibo has become more popular, the number of support requests in Launchpad Answers [] has rocketed, to the point that the two main developers (Dan and Alex) just can’t answer every request ourselves. It takes time to replicate each person’s setup to see if the problem is general, or something local to that installation. Th

Published on: 2013-06-05

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Open Source Xibo and Xibo for Android

The Xibo Project recently announced [] that we were opening a private BETA for a “Xibo for Android []” application. This has lead to some confusion, which was never our intention. Please be assured that the Xibo Project will always remain open source []! We are committed to keeping the following open and free for everyone: * Xibo CMS (Xibo

Published on: 2012-12-02

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Xibo for Android by Spring Signage open for private BETA

The Xibo project has been developed and supported over the years by a small part time team in the UK who are committed to providing a full featured, free signage solution for everyone. In recent months we have taken the difficult decision of writing a client for Xibo which will be commercially available from our sponsor, Spring Signage []. We took this decision so that Spring Signage and the Xibo Developers could continue to finance and provide the hig

Published on: 2012-11-17

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Introducing a new region Timeline editing window

The next article in the run up to 1.4 looks at improvements to the region timeline editor and layout preview. Our intentions with these improvements are: [![](/content/images/2012/06/NewVerticalTimeLine-300x166.png "Vertical Timeline")](/content/images/2012/06/NewVerticalTimeLine.png)The vertical timeline is a sortable list * To make the region time line more consistent, easy to understand and allow it to support more media modules * Simplify re-ordering the items in the timeline * Make it

Published on: 2012-06-26

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Introducing a threaded, more robust Windows Client with improved library management

The next article in the run up to 1.4 looks at improvements to the Windows client’s connection to the Xibo server and its library management. These improvements can be categorised into the following areas: * Reduced “lag” and “display jitter” when the client is connecting to the Server * Concurrent file downloads * Clearing up old and unused files in the library * Information window showing client status, library status and log information * Replacing the splash screen Reduced display

Published on: 2012-06-05

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Introducing new features for Service Providers

[![Usage statistics in the Settings Window](/content/images/2012/06/saas-settings-view-usage-300x277.jpg "Usage statistics")](/content/images/2012/06/saas-settings-view-usage.jpg)Usage statistics can be found in the Settings Window under the Content tabThe next article in the run up to 1.4 looks at some small new features for people that use Xibo as service providers. It is difficult to tell how many use Xibo in this manner, as not many come forward – but those that do have mentioned that it wou

Published on: 2012-06-02

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Introducing Wake On Lan for Display Clients

The next article in the run up to releasing 1.4 will look at the new Wake On Lan (WOL) feature of Xibo. [![Edit Display Form](/content/images/2012/05/wol-edit-display-300x142.jpg "Edit Display")](/content/images/2012/05/wol-edit-display.jpg)WOL Settings on the Edit Display FormThere has been a lot of interest over the years Xibo has been running for a solution to be “green”, “save power” and generally not have the Xibo display screen solution on unnecessarily. The Xibo project has been very kee

Published on: 2012-06-01

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Introducing the Layout Designer Jump List

[![Layout Jump Button](/content/images/2012/05/layout-jump-button-188x300.jpg "Layout Jump Button")](/content/images/2012/05/layout-jump-button.jpg)The Jump Button icon and form showing list of available layouts.Its been a while since our last article looking at features of the upcoming 1.4 release. We have a small but useful enhancement to look at this time – Layout Designer Jump List. This little feature allows navigation between layouts a user has permissions to design, without having to jump

Published on: 2012-05-31

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Introducing an Improved Permissions Model

[![](/content/images/2012/05/permissions-212x300.png "Permissions Dialog")](/content/images/2012/05/permissions.png)Permissions DialogThe next article in the run up to 1.4 stable release will take a look at the improvements made to the permissions model in Xibo. There has been long running confusion over the permissions in Xibo and hopefully this will now be addressed. We have improved the permissions model in 1 key way – allowed users and administrators to set view, edit and delete permissions

Published on: 2012-05-06

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Introducing improved User Password Management

The next article in the run up to 1.4 stable release will take a look at the improvements made to User Password Management. Up until now user passwords and user management in general has not always been clear in Xibo – we have tried to improve the situation with 3 new features/improvements: * Users can change their passwords without having access to the user administration page * Administrators can set a regular expression to test password complexity * Administrators can override users p

Published on: 2012-04-28

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Introducing DataSets

As most of our followers are aware the 1.3 series development preview release has been a long time in the making, in fact we have been working on it for well over a year. As it is getting close to completion and ready for a 1.4 stable release (a big milestone for us!) we thought it would be a good idea to pause and reflect on the new features we have managed to cram in. The first one we are going to look at is the new DataSets feature. Overview DataSets are a new Xibo feature to design and d

Published on: 2012-04-15

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