Creating a Module - XML definitions

XML definitions

Section 1 contains XML definitions for the module and template XML files.

1. Module

Element Type Description Options Sample value
id string A unique ID for the module. Core modules are prefixed with core-. If you want to distribute your module it would be sensible to give it a prefix personal to you. core-embedded
name string This is the friendly name of your module. It will be shown in the Layout Designer.
author string You :), only shown on the Module admin page.
description string A description for the module, only used on the Module admin page.
class string The class name of a Widget Provider, if needed. Not all modules need this, see below.
compatibilityClass string The class name of a Widget Compatibility Interface, if needed. Not all modules need this, see below.
type string This is the internal identifier for your module and is what gets recorded on the Layout XLF file and sent to the Player. This does not have to be unique, the CMS will choose the first available module of a particular type to render a Widget.
dataType string If this module returns data, this is the data type of that data. It is also used to select the corresponding templates. article
dataCacheKey string Cache key for a module that returns data. Use with module properties between % characters, and separate multiple properties with a _. %id%_%name%
schemaVersion integer Schema Version - can use used to determine different rendering from past versions. 1
assignable integer Should this module be assignable - used for Library modules. 0, 1 1
regionSpecific integer Is this Module for the Library (0) or a Widget on a Layout (1) 0, 1 1
renderAs string Render natively (native) or as HTML (html). If you are making a Player that will understand how to render the module set to native. Native modules must provide a preview stencil. html, native html
defaultDuration integer When the user has declined to provide a duration for the Widget, what should the duration be. 60
legacyType LegacyType If this module is a legacy module, use to match with old version of the module. weather
thumbnail string The assetId of an image to be used as the thumbnail
icon string The class ID of an icon to show in the toolbar. Currently font awesome is supported. Used when a thumbnail is not provided. fa fa-font
startWidth integer The width of this widget when it is first added to a layout 500
startHeight integer The height of this widget when it is first added to a layout 500
showIn string Where should this module be shown? both, playlist, layout both
settings Property Settings shown on the Module admin page.
properties Property Properties shown in the configuration panel of the Layout and Playlist editors.
preview Stencil A stencil for previewing. If not set, stencil will be used.
stencil Stencil A stencil for the HTML to be sent to the Player
onInitialize CDATA string JavaScript function run when a module is initialised, before data is returned. <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
onDataLoad CDATA string JavaScript function run when a module retrieves data and before it renders it. // items: The items to render
// meta: Metadata
// properties: The properties for the widget
<![CDATA[ ... ]]>
onDataError CDATA string JavaScript function run when a module fails to receive data. // httpStatus: The HTTP status code of the request
// response: the response body
onParseData CDATA string JavaScript function running as data parser against each data item applicable when a dataType is present. <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
onRender CDATA string JavaScript function run when a module is rendered, after data has been returned. <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
onVisible CDATA string JavaScript function run right before a module is shown. <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
sampleData CDATA string A JSON data item to use as a sample <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
assets Asset A list of assets to be included in the module.

1.1. Legacy Type

Legacy Type is used to indicate where a current module XML definition can serve an old/alternate module type. This is used on CMS upgrade or Layout import to convert a widget from its old state to a state compatible with this release.

Element Type Description Options Sample value
name string The legacy type of the module to match against countdown
condition string An optional condition to match against the properties saved on the widget templateId==countdown3

For example, the countdown module from v2/v3 has been split into 4 separate countdown modules in v4, each one serving a different “templateId” in the v3 version of that module. Adding a legacy type definition to the new module means that it will match and convert an old widget into the new module.

2. Template

Element Type Description Options Sample value
id string A unique ID for the template. template1
type string The type of template. static, element, element-group static
title string The title of the template used in the CMS to identify the template. Template 1
dataType string The data type of the template. Used to list the template in the corresponding modules. article
thumbnail string The assetId of an image to be used as the thumbnail
showIn string Where should this module be shown? both, playlist, layout both
properties Property Same as the properties in the Module XML, but specific to the template.
stencil Stencil The stencil for the HTML of the template.
onElementParseData CDATA string JavaScript function run for each data property, before rendering. // value: The value
// properties: The properties for the widget
onTemplateRender CDATA string JavaScript function run when a template is rendered. <![CDATA[ ... ]]>

Note: Template id cannot contain hyphens (-). This is because it will be used to generate a unique method name for onTemplateRender.

3. Property

Common structure for all properties.

Attribute Description Options Sample value
id A unique ID for the property. showHeader
type The type of property. See Property Types checkbox
Element Type Description Options Sample value
title string Used in the CMS to identify the property in the module configuration form. Header
helpText string Help text to be displayed in the module configuration form. Show header on table?
default string The default value for the property. 1
visibility Rule Set the visibility of the property based a set of rules.
validation Rule Set validation rules for the property when submitted and when status on the layout is reported.
playerCompatibility Player Compatibility Create a input helper to show the property compatibility with the players.
dependsOn string ID of the property that this property depends on. Used to update the property when the target property is changed. showHeader

3.1. Rule

Rules can be used for visibility and validation of properties. Rules consist of an array of tests which are evaluated individually (they are ANDed).

Element Type Description Options Default Value
onSave boolean Validation only: should the rule be applied when a property is saved? true
onStatus boolean Validation only: should the rule be applied when the widget status is assessed true
message string A string message to raise as an error, if empty a default message will be raised for the failing test/condition.
test Test[] One or more tests to apply.

3.1.1. Test

A test is a set of conditions which are assessed in sequence.

Attribute Description Options Sample value
type Test type. and, or and
Element Type Description
condition Condition Test condition.

3.1.2. Condition

Attribute Type Description Options Sample value
field string null Id of the property to test against (required for visibility) / get the value from (optional for validation)
type Condition Type Type of condition test. See condition type eq
Element Description
nodeValue Value to be tested against. (validation rules: leave empty for current property value)

Rules used as validation always test the current property value against the value resolved by the condition. Rules used as visibility tests always test the value in the field attribute against the value in the node.

For rules used as validation this means that when a field name is provided it is the value of that field which is used to test against the current property value. For example:

A rule which ensures that the current property value is required and is of type uri.

    <test type="and">
        <condition type="required"></condition>
        <condition type="uri"></condition>

A rule which ensures that the current property value is less than or equal to the duration.

<rule message="Warning duration needs to be lower than the widget duration.">
    <test type="and">
        <condition field="duration" type="lte"></condition>

Rules which need a comparison value such as gt must either have a field to get the comparison value from, or a value in the condition.

<rule message="Warning duration needs to be lower than 10">
    <test type="and">
        <condition type="lt">10</condition>

When using or tests, all conditions must fail for the test to fail.

Condition Type

Name Description
required Must have a value
eq Equal to
neq Not equal to
gt Greater than
gte Greater than or equal to
lt Less than
lte Less than or equal to
contains Value contains
ncontains Value does not contain
uri Must be a URI
interval Must be a valid date interval

Default values

If the property defines a default value, this value is also tested against the rules and conditions defined on the property.

3.2. Player Compatibility

Attribute Description
windows Windows player version.
linux Linux player version.
android Android player version.
webos WebOS player version.
tizen Tizen player version.

3.3. Property Types

All properties have the options listed in the Property section. They can be of the following types:

Name Description
text Text input
number Number input
checkbox Checkbox
dropdown Dropdown
color Color picker
code Code editor
richText Rich text editor
date Date picker
hidden Hidden input
fontSelector Font selector
datasetSelector Dataset selector
datasetOrder Dataset order
datasetFilter Dataset filter
datasetColumnSelector Dataset column selector
datasetField Dataset field selector (requires hidden dataTypeId)
header Header
message Message
divider Divider
connectorProperties A dropdown/search filled with values from a connector

3.4. Property Additional Options

These properties have additional options.


Attribute Type Type Description Options Sample value
multiple integer Allow multiple selections. 0, 1 0
mode string For a dropdown, should it be single or multi-select. single, multi single
Element Type Description Options Sample value
options Option Options for the dropdown.
optionsTitle string Title of the options. newTitle
optionsValue string Value of the options. newValue


Attribute Type Type Description Options Sample value
name string Name of the option. newOption
Element Type Description Options Sample value
nodeValue string Value of the option. newOption


Attribute Type Description Options Sample value
variant string Code editor variant. html, css, javascript javascript
allowLibraryRefs bool Allow library references. true, false false
allowAssetRefs bool Allow asset references. true, false false
parseTranslations bool Parse the value for translations between pipes. true, false false

Rich Text

Attribute Type Description Options Sample value
allowLibraryRefs bool Allow library references. true, false false
allowAssetRefs bool Allow asset references. true, false false
parseTranslations bool Parse the value for translations between pipes. true, false false


Attribute Type Description Options Sample value
format string Date format. YYYY-MM-DD
variant string Date variant. date, time, datetime, month date

Connector Properties

A dropdown/search field which returns a set of options/values from a connector which handles the request.

Attribute Type Description Options Sample value
variant string Variant. autocomplete, dropdown dropdown

4. Stencil

Element Type Description Sample value
twig CDATA string Twig template <![CDATA[ <p>Some HTML</p><style> .some-css { color: red; } </style> ]]>
hbs CDATA string Handlebars template <![CDATA[ <p>{{someValue}}</p> ]]>
style CDATA string CSS to add <![CDATA[ .some-class { some-prop: some-value; } ]]>
width integer Width of the template to be scaled 600
height integer Height of the template to be scaled 400

4.1. Twig

Twig will be rendered directly into the module HTML. It can be used to add custom CSS or HTML to the module.

It needs to be provides as a CDATA block, to prevent the XML parser from interpreting the HTML.

By setting a width and height attribute, the template will be scaled to match those dimensions in the player.

4.2. Handlebars (hbs)

When set in the template, the hbs node value will be used as a template for each item provided.

If it’s defined in the module, it will be used as a template for the module itself.

We can use {{ }} with module or item properties, data can be rendered to the template.

5. Sample data

When developing a module with a data provider, it’s important to have a sample data to test the rendering. The sample data can be provided as a JSON string, in the sampleData node.

Data can be provided as a single item:

    "id": "1",
    "name": "One",
    "description": "This is the first item",
    "value": "1"

Or as an array of items:

        "id": "1",
        "name": "One",
        "description": "This is the first item",
        "value": "1"
        "id": "2",
        "name": "Two",
        "description": "This is the second item",
        "value": "2"
        "id": "3",
        "name": "Three",
        "description": "This is the third item",
        "value": "3"

6. Assets

When assets are required for the module, they can be added to the assets node.

Element Type Description
asset Asset A file to be added to the module.


Attribute Type Description Options Sample value
id string ID of the asset. newImage
type string Type of the asset. path path
mime string Mime type of the asset. image/png
path string Path to the asset. /modules/assets/image.png
cmsOnly boolean Is this asset only used in the CMS? true
autoInclude boolean Should this asset be automatically included in the player HTML? (css/js only) Default: false true

And then the asset can be referenced in the module with the [[assetId=newImage]] syntax.

7. Data Type

Each datatype.xml file should have a top level node called <dataTypes>, inside which is each <dataType> node.

Element Type Description Options Sample value
id string A unique ID for the datatype. currency
name string A friendly name for the datatype Currency
fields Fields[] A array of fields

7.1. Field

Element Type Description Options Sample value
title string The title of this field The time this quote was last refreshed

7.1. Field Attributes

Attribute Type Description Sample value
id string A unique ID for this field (used in widgets) time
type string The data type this field should be treated as number, text, datetime, image