Introducing Wake On Lan for Display Clients
The next article in the run up to releasing 1.4 will look at the new Wake On Lan (WOL) feature of Xibo. [](/content/images/2012/05/wol-edit-display.jpg)WOL Settings on the Edit Display FormThere has been a lot of interest over the years Xibo has been running for a solution to be “green”, “save power” and generally not have the Xibo display screen solution on unnecessarily. The Xibo project has been very kee
Published on: 2012-06-01

Introducing the Layout Designer Jump List
[](/content/images/2012/05/layout-jump-button.jpg)The Jump Button icon and form showing list of available layouts.Its been a while since our last article looking at features of the upcoming 1.4 release. We have a small but useful enhancement to look at this time – Layout Designer Jump List. This little feature allows navigation between layouts a user has permissions to design, without having to jump
Published on: 2012-05-31

Introducing an Improved Permissions Model
[](/content/images/2012/05/permissions.png)Permissions DialogThe next article in the run up to 1.4 stable release will take a look at the improvements made to the permissions model in Xibo. There has been long running confusion over the permissions in Xibo and hopefully this will now be addressed. We have improved the permissions model in 1 key way – allowed users and administrators to set view, edit and delete permissions
Published on: 2012-05-06

Introducing improved User Password Management
The next article in the run up to 1.4 stable release will take a look at the improvements made to User Password Management. Up until now user passwords and user management in general has not always been clear in Xibo – we have tried to improve the situation with 3 new features/improvements: * Users can change their passwords without having access to the user administration page * Administrators can set a regular expression to test password complexity * Administrators can override users p
Published on: 2012-04-28

Introducing DataSets
As most of our followers are aware the 1.3 series development preview release has been a long time in the making, in fact we have been working on it for well over a year. As it is getting close to completion and ready for a 1.4 stable release (a big milestone for us!) we thought it would be a good idea to pause and reflect on the new features we have managed to cram in. The first one we are going to look at is the new DataSets feature. Overview DataSets are a new Xibo feature to design and d
Published on: 2012-04-15

Launching the new website
The Xibo project has been lucky enough to have 2 designers come forwards after our plea for help with this site. As a result of their selfless work and attention to detail we have a new site design which went live today. Bradley Morris [http://bradleymorris.co.uk/] is a freelance web application developer based in the North East of England and is responsible for the new WordPress template. Paul van Dun is a graphics designer and developer from The Netherlands and is responsible for the new lo
Published on: 2012-04-06

Upcoming in 2012
A stable 1.2 series and a sneak preview of things to come in 1.3 development preview series made 2011 a big year for Xibo. There was a lot of work behind the scenes and not a lot of releases – we want 2012 to change this! Our main aim for 2012 is to bring about shorter release cycles – meaning instead of getting 1 massive release a year with lots of features, we should put out a number of smaller releases, each containing a few features. So what can you expect? “Marketing” To someone that has
Published on: 2012-02-18

Designer still needed
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of our request for some help with the Xibo site design! A big thank you to all those that helped over the last 12 months, we appreciate every effort made.. even if we didn’t quite get there. Given that a year has past, we thought it was appropriate to being asking again… The Xibo site was put together as a temporary measure over 3 years ago and was always designed to be a functional home until Xibo gained a reputation and warrented a better site. We thought t
Published on: 2012-02-18

Version 1.3.2 Development Preview Released
We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.3.2 (Codename “Faye”) is released, this is a feature preview release in the 1.3 Series of Xibo. Note: This is a development preview release of Xibo. This release is working towards the release of Xibo 1.4.0, the next stable line of Xibo. This should NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION. For a complete list of changes and instructions for trying out this preview, please refer to the release notes. The release notes are available on our Wiki here: https://xibo.
Published on: 2012-01-24

Version 1.3.1 Development Preview Released
We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.3.1 (Codename “Faye”) is released, this is a feature preview release in the 1.3 Series of Xibo. Note: This is a development preview release of Xibo. This release is working towards the release of Xibo 1.4.0, the next stable line of Xibo. This should NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION. For a complete list of changes and instructions for trying out this preview, please refer to the release notes. The release notes are available on our Wiki here: https://xibo.
Published on: 2011-09-26

Version 1.3.0 Development Preview Released
We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.3.0 (Codename “Faye”) is released, this is the release in the 1.3 Series of Xibo. Note: This is a development preview release of Xibo. This release is working towards the release of Xibo 1.4.0, the next stable line of Xibo. This should NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION. For a complete list of changes and instructions for trying out this preview, please refer to the release notes. The release notes are available on our Wiki here: https://xibo.org.uk/manual-
Published on: 2011-08-19

Version 1.2.2 Released
We are proud to announce the release of Xibo Version 1.2.2!This release of the Xibo 1.2 series fixes multiple stability issues with the .NET client and introduces a media reporting service to easily check if all displays are up to date. All users are recommended to upgrade 1.2 series installations of Xibo to 1.2.2 server and clients. Please ensure you read the release notes. They contain important information on the upgrade process, changes in functionality and compatibility between Xibo Client
Published on: 2011-03-04

Web designer needed
Xibo.org.uk [http://Xibo.org.uk] has been the Xibo project’s home on the web for over 2 years now. When we initially started the project this website was hastily put together and although we did a functional job we feel it is lacking in visual appeal when compared to the sites of other digital signage solutions. It is our intention to refresh the content on the site to showcase Xibo more effectively and hopefully entice more people to start enjoying the benefits of Open Source Digital Signage.
Published on: 2011-02-19

Version 1.2.1 Released
We are proud to announce the release of Xibo Version 1.2.1!This release of the Xibo 1.2 series fixes a critical problem with file downloads from the Xibo server. All users are recommended to upgrade 1.2 series installations of Xibo to 1.2.1 server and clients. Please ensure you read the release notes. They contain important information on the upgrade process, changes in functionality and compatibility between Xibo Client and Server versions, as well as a detailed list of the bugs fixed in the r
Published on: 2011-02-11

Upcoming in 2011
Seasons greetings and a Happy New Year from the Xibo Team! Xibo Products and Services Directory We are proud to announce the Xibo Products and Services directory. This will be a place for companies and individuals who offer Xibo products and services to get listed on xibo.org.uk [http://xibo.org.uk]. Our hope is that this will be an important tool for prospective Xibo users to find the help and support they need in starting and managing a Xibo Digital Signage Solution. We are now taking submis
Published on: 2011-01-01