2.3.4 Released
We would like to announce the release of the fourth patch for Xibo CMS v2.3, with 30 issues fixed in this release!
Published on: 2020-06-01

Player license pricing changes
We're reducing the price of our Android, webOS and Tizen subscription player licenses, as Xibo continues it's commitment to best-in-class capabilities at compelling and cost-effective rates.
Published on: 2020-05-20

Xibo for Windows v2 R254
We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v2 R254. 7 issues have been solved in this bug fix release.
Published on: 2020-05-18

Xibo for Windows v2 R253
We are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v2 R253, which includes headline features when used with a 2.3 CMS!
Published on: 2020-04-29

Linux Player - 1.8 R5 Released
Xibo Signage are pleased to announce Xibo for Linux 1.8 R5. This release fixes memory leaks and improves overall stability of the Player.
Published on: 2020-04-14

Xibo for Tizen 2 R200 Available
Xibo Signage is very pleased to announce Xibo for Tizen v2 R200. This release works with Xibo CMS version 2.0.0 onward.
Published on: 2020-04-08

2.3.3 Released
We would like to announce the release of the third patch for Xibo CMS v2.3, with 8 issues fixed in this release!
Published on: 2020-04-07

Xibo for Android v2 R205 Available
Xibo Signage are pleased to announce Xibo for Android v2 R205. 3 issues have been addressed in this release.
Published on: 2020-03-26

COVID-19 Digital Signage Resources
Free resources for you to use in response to the continued spread of Coronavirus / COVID-19
Published on: 2020-03-25

Xibo for Windows v2 R252
Xibo are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v2 R252, including our newest player technology and feature upgrades over R202!
Published on: 2020-03-19

Xibo for Windows v2 R202
Xibo Signage are pleased to announce Xibo for Windows v2 R202, with 10 resolved issues.
Published on: 2020-03-19

2.3.2 Released
We would like to announce the release of the second patch for Xibo CMS v2.3, with 12 issues fixed in this release!
Published on: 2020-03-19

Xibo for webOS v2 R204 Available
Xibo Signage is pleased to announce Xibo for webOS v2 R204. This release works with Xibo CMS version 2.0.0 onward.
Published on: 2020-03-10

2.3.1 Released
We would like to announce the release of the first patch for Xibo CMS v2.3, with 24 issues fixed in this release!
Published on: 2020-03-05

Xibo for Windows WPF Player Pre-release
Xibo are pleased to announce a pre-release of Xibo for Windows v2 R252, supporting Chromium and transparency. This Player is a pre-release for testing and should not be used in production environments.
Published on: 2020-02-24