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Version 1.6.1 Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.6.1 (Codename “Pons-Winnecke”) has arrived and is available for download. This is a bug fixing release in the stable series of Xibo and we recommend that everyone upgrade. The release notes are available in themanual []  and you can download this release from our Launchpad project page here: We would like to take this opportunity to say a big Thank You to e

Published on: 2014-05-26

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Xibo for Android 1.4/1.6 R32 is now available

Today we’re announcing R32 of the Xibo for Android client for Xibo 1.4 and 1.6! The client is still available on a free 14 day no obligation trial and available to purchase directly from our website []. The application is also available directly from ourdownload centre []. Instructions for upgrading from an earlier release can be found in theFAQ [

Published on: 2014-05-19

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Xibo 1.6.0 is released, Spring Signage is ready!

Spring Signage are very pleased to announce that last night we released a new 1.6.0 Xibo to the Open Source community. This release represents just over a year of improvements and bug fixes – find out more over on the Xibo Announcement []. It was very important to us that our Hosting and Android customers were fully supported immediately after this release, so that is exactly what we have done! Xibo for Android The latest R31 release of Xibo

Published on: 2014-05-04

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Version 1.6.0 Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.6.0 (Codename “Pons-Winnecke”) has arrived and is available for download. This is the first release in a new stable series of Xibo and we recommend that everyone upgrade. The last stable release of Xibo first aired in Feb-2013, since then there have been 3 development preview releases and 2 release candidates! In its life time 1.4 Series has been downloaded over 200 thousand times. 1.6 has been a long time in the making, but during that time we have

Published on: 2014-05-04

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Xibo for Android 1.4 R31 is now available

Today we’re announcing 1.4 R31 of the Xibo for Android client! The client is still available on a free 14 day no obligation trial and available to purchase directly from our website at []. The application is also available directly from ourdownload centre []. Instructions for upgrading from an earlier release can be found in theFAQ [

Published on: 2014-04-13

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Version 1.6.0-rc2 Development Preview Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.6.0 Release Candidate 2 (Codename “Pons-Winnecke”) is released.This is a release candidate for the first stable 1.6 release, 1.6.0. This should NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION. This is a bug fix release that resolves issues found in the Release Candidate 1. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has tested Xibo and reported problems. The 1.6.0-rc1 Windows Display Client should be used with this release and an updated RC2 Ubuntu Clie

Published on: 2014-04-06

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Scripting Xibo Content Management - A brief tour of the API

Please note: This article refers to Xibo 1.7 only and has been retired from our catalogue of updated Guides. Please refer to the API Introduction Guide 1.8 [] One common use case people put forward is that they want to update a particular piece of content in a layout automatically on a schedule. That could take the form of a video being updated on a daily basis, or an image. Since Xibo 1.5 series, there has been a “work in progress” OAut

Published on: 2014-02-19

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Support for Ubuntu 12.04

Perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions we get over on Launchpad Answers [] is “Does the Python client run on Ubuntu 12.04 yet”. Until the release of 1.6.0-rc1, the answer has always been no. However thanks to the work of several contributors to the Berkelium project [], Eng Chong Meng, and to Jianjian [], we now have a version of the client that runs on Ubuntu 12.04 and hopeful

Published on: 2014-02-18

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Version 1.6.0-rc1 Development Preview Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.6.0 Release Candidate 1 (Codename “Pons-Winnecke”) is released.This is a release candidate for the first stable 1.6 release, 1.6.0. This should NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION. The Xibo Team have been hard at work over the last year to enhance and improve the successful 1.4 series of Xibo. We have gone through 3 development preview releases in our 1.5 series and enhanced the CMS (content management system – Xibo Server) and the 2 display clients with a hos

Published on: 2014-02-16

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Sneak preview of things to come in 1.6

Matt Holder has kindly put together the following sneak preview showing a few of the things to come in 1.6. Many thanks to Matt for putting these slides together – enjoy!

Published on: 2014-02-15

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Xibo for Android 1.4 R30 is now available

Today we’re announcing 1.4 R30 of the Xibo for Android client! The client is still available on a free 14 day no obligation trial and available to purchase directly from our website at []. The application is also available directly from ourdownload centre []. Instructions for upgrading from an earlier release can be found in theFAQ [

Published on: 2013-12-16

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Holiday Opening Times

Please note that Spring Signage will close on Tuesday 24th December at 16:00 for the UK Christmas holidays and will re-open at 9am on Thursday 27th December. We will then be open as usual except for 1st January 2014 when we will close for the UK public holiday. If you require support during those closures, please contact our service desk [] and we will be in touch as soon as we are able. The team at Spring Signage wish you all seasons greetings and best wish

Published on: 2013-12-16

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Xibo for Android 1.4 R28 is now available

Today we’re announcing 1.4 R28 of the Xibo for Android client – which makes the client better than ever! The client is still available on a free 14 day no obligation trial and available to purchase directly from our website at []. The application is also available directly from ourdownload centre []. Instructions for upgrading from an earlier release can be found in theFAQ [h

Published on: 2013-11-28

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New Content in the Xibo Layout Exchange

We’ve added new layouts to the Xibo Layout Exchange today, contributed by various Xibo users world wide. They’re royalty free to use on your Xibo Digital Signage System, so have a look and see if they can help you make your layouts sing! Head over to the Layout Exchange! [/layouts] ![](/content/images/2013/11/4_regions_16-9_green_tn-150x113.jpg) ![](/content/images/2013/11/Events_tn-150x113.jpg) ![](/content/images/2013/11/4_regions_16-9_blue_tn-150x113.jpg) ![](/content/images/2013/11/Xibo3Co

Published on: 2013-11-25

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Improved User Manual

The Xibo Digital Signage solution has grown massively over the last 3 years – unfortunately the documentation has not followed suit… until now! We have begun work on consolidating all Xibo related material into one easily accessible manual. The first revision of the Xibo for Android manual is already available here []. The rest of the open source solution will follow when we release 1.6.0. We hope you find the new documentation useful – if you have any feedback

Published on: 2013-11-16

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