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Xibo for Android R24 is now available

Today we’re announcing 1.4 R24 of the Xibo for Android client – which makes the client better than ever! The client is still available on a free 14 day no obligation trial and available to purchase directly from our website at The application is also available directly from our download centre. Instructions for upgrading from an earlier release can be found in the FAQ. Xibo for Android couples the flexibility of the excellent Xibo Content Manageme

Published on: 2013-08-19

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Version 1.5.1 Development Preview Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.5.1 (Codename “d’Arrest”) is released, this is the release in the 1.5 Series of Xibo. Note: This is a development preview release of Xibo. This release is working towards the release of Xibo 1.6.0, the next stable line of Xibo. This should NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION. The highlights for this release are a new file upload widget, improvements to DataSets, CSV import, centrally parsed tickers and numerous bug fixes. For a complete list of changes and in

Published on: 2013-06-09

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Become a Support Hero!

Using Xibo? Know your way around it well? Could you spare a few minutes each day to help others in the community and give something back? As Xibo has become more popular, the number of support requests in Launchpad Answers [] has rocketed, to the point that the two main developers (Dan and Alex) just can’t answer every request ourselves. It takes time to replicate each person’s setup to see if the problem is general, or something local to that installation. Th

Published on: 2013-06-05

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Version 1.5.0 Development Preview Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.5.0 (Codename “d’Arrest”) is released, this is the release in the 1.5 Series of Xibo. Note: This is a development preview release of Xibo. This release is working towards the release of Xibo 1.6.0, the next stable line of Xibo. This should NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION. The highlights for this release are a new CMS theme, a theme engine and numerous bug fixes. For a complete list of changes and instructions for trying out this preview, please refer to t

Published on: 2013-05-01

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Upcoming in 2013

In 2012 the Xibo Project saw some excellent growth and some equally good improvements to the platform – we are aiming for the same in 2013 and want to push forwards to offer some great new features. Here are a few highlights of the last 12 months! * 10,000 known displays running Xibo (we strongly suspect 4 times this figure) * 55,000 downloads of the 1.4 series of applications * 1,000 fans on our Facebook page * 130,000 downloads of the 1.2 series of applications * Launching the new Websit

Published on: 2013-04-27

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Updated 1.4.2 and 1.2.3 releases now available

There was a small issue found with the installer in versions 1.4.2 and 1.2.3. It meant that people installing those versions may find their server key has been set incorrectly. If you’ve already installed 1.4.2 or 1.2.3, you’re strongly recommended to upgrade to the versions we’ve just uploaded (with a .2 suffix on the download file) which contain a fix for this, as well as a change to some internal validations that the system does. Once upgraded, you’re strongly recommended to check your serv

Published on: 2013-02-20

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HowTo Video Series - Datasets

Interested in Xibo’s Datasets feature? Matt Holder takes you through a worked example.

Published on: 2013-02-20

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Version 1.4.2 Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.4.2 (Codename “Brorsen”) has arrived and is available for download. This is the a bug fix release in this stable series of Xibo and we recommend that everyone upgrade. The release notes are available on our Wiki here: and you can download this release from our Launchpad project page here: This release greatly improves the problems with time outs that some

Published on: 2013-02-19

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Version 1.2.3 Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.2.3 (Codename “Biela”) has arrived and is available for download. This is the a bug fix release in this legacy series of Xibo and we recommend that everyone still using 1.2 series upgrade. This release fixes a security issue in the server component. The release notes are available on our Wiki here: and you can download this release from our Launchpad project page here:

Published on: 2013-02-19

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HowTo Video Series - Adding Users and Groups

As your Xibo installation grows, you’ll want to add more users and groups to the system. Matt Holder shows you how!

Published on: 2013-02-16

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HowTo Video Series - Adding Displays and Display Groups

In these two videos, Matt Holder shows you how to add a new Display in to the Xibo system and how to incorporate that display in to a Display Group for easier management later on.

Published on: 2013-02-12

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HowTo Video Series - Scheduling Layouts

This time Matt Holder covers scheduling your new layout to a display.

Published on: 2013-02-08

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HowTo Video Series - Changing the Timeline Order

In this video Matt Holder shows you how to re-order items in the region timeline. It’s much easier than it used to be!

Published on: 2013-02-04

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HowTo Video Series - Layouts and Permissions

In the first of our series of “howto” videos by Matt Holder, Xibo Contributor, we’re going to look at creating layouts and setting permissions on those layouts using Xibo 1.4 series server. We plan to release several of these little howto videos over the coming few days to give people a better idea how to use some of Xibo’s features. Many thanks to Matt for putting these together for us.

Published on: 2013-01-31

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Version 1.4.1 Released

We are proud to announce that Xibo version 1.4.1 (Codename “Brorsen”) has arrived and is available for download. This is the first bug fix release in this stable series of Xibo and we recommend that everyone upgrade. The release notes are available on our Wiki here: and you can download this release from our Launchpad project page here: Among other things this release addresses the issues with text s

Published on: 2012-12-02

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