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Scheduling in 1.8 - Always means Always!

Scheduling Always means just that… Always! You want your displays to show content all the time such as a welcome message in your reception area?  Selecting Always in scheduling will do just that! One of the many new and exciting features of 1.8 is **Always Scheduling.  **This will ensure that the Campaign or Layout selected will **Always **be scheduled.  Content will **Always **be shown on your displays. Gone is the need to specify end dates as **Always **means Always! The Always icon will s

Published on: 2017-04-21

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Xibo 1.8.0 is here!

We are pleased to announce that we’ve released the 1.8.0 stable release of Xibo to the community. This release has taken us 18 months to develop, test and bring to you all and contains a whole host of new features. You can find out more on the Xibo Project Announcement []. We didn’t want our Cloud and Xibo for Android customers to be left behind, so we have our platform ready for 1.8.0 from today! Xibo in the Cloud Xibo in the Cloud now fully suppor

Published on: 2017-03-21

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Holiday Opening Times 2016/17

Please note that Spring Signage will close on Friday 23rd December at 12:00 noon for the UK Christmas holidays and will re-open at 8am on Wednesday 28th December. We will then be open as usual until Friday 30th December. We are then closed all day on Monday 2nd January 2016 and return to normal hours from Tuesday 3rd January 2016. If you require support during these closures, please contact our service desk and we will be in touch as soon as we are able. The team at Spring Signage wish you all

Published on: 2016-11-14

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Xibo 1.8.0-beta available on the Xibo Cloud

We’ve recently released Xibo 1.8.0-beta to the community [] which is a major milestone for the project. In conjunction with this release we would like to offer customers 1.8.0-beta demonstration instances on Xibo Cloud so that they can get easy access to the beta test. To get access to one of these exciting demos, select Xibo in the Cloud from our shop [] and pick 1.8.0-beta from the version selector. Feed

Published on: 2016-06-30

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Holiday Opening Times 2015/16

Please note that Spring Signage will close on Thursday 24th December at 12:00 noon for the UK Christmas holidays and will re-open at 9am on Tuesday 29th December. We will then be open as usual until Thursday 31st December when we will close at 12:00 noon. We are then closed all day on Friday 1st January 2016 and return to normal hours from Monday 4th January 2016. If you require support during those closures, please contact our service desk [] and we will be

Published on: 2015-11-27

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Launching the Xibo Community!

We are very pleased to announce that we are launching the new Xibo Community today. We have listened to feedback on GitHub, collected ideas and have settled on a new community discussion area right here on []. There are categories for general discussion, support, features and FAQ and you can log in using all of your favourite services (Facebook, Twitter, Google, GitHub, etc). We will still be using GitHub for development, but will only be tracki

Published on: 2015-03-10

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Moving to Github

The Xibo Project has been hosted on Launchpad since December 2008 and we appreciate the excellent platform that has been provided free of charge over that time. Bazaar is an excellent version control system and the Bug reporting on Launchpad has been perfect for our needs up until now. However, as the project has grown we have very quickly realised we need to do all we can do to encourage contribution to the platform. With only 2 main contributors to date and a handful of occasional helpers, we

Published on: 2015-01-12

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Xibo for Ubuntu Alpha Discontinuation Notice

The Xibo Project has been working towards a cross platform Player for Windows and Linux for some time and had hoped that our Xibo for Ubuntu Python Client would meet our goals. Unfortunately the Python Player development has been fraught with problems and limitations which has brought us to the difficult decision to discontinue development and seek another solution. We are working on the roadmap for 1.8, which will include work for a cross platform client to replace both the alpha release of t

Published on: 2014-12-15

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Holiday Opening Times

Please note that Spring Signage will close on Wednesday 24th December at 12:00 noon for the UK Christmas holidays and will re-open at 9am on Monday 29th December. We will then be open as usual except for 1st January 2014 when we will close for the UK public holiday. If you require support during those closures, please contact our service desk [] and we will be in touch as soon as we are able. The team at Spring Signage wish you all seasons greetings and best

Published on: 2014-12-03

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New domains to choose from

Xibo in the Cloud has experienced a little upgrade recently with the addition of 2 new domains. We have been running CMS instances on the Spring Signage cloud platform for over 2 years on the ‘ []’ domain and felt our customers needed a little more choice. We are pleased to announce: * [] * [] The new domains can be selected when creating a new instance and are available in London, New York and

Published on: 2014-10-31

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Xibo, trusted by... who?

Xibo has grown enormously over the last 3 years and the project now enjoys more community involvement and more installations than ever before. We want to build on these achievements and convince even more people to adopt the “Signage for Everyone” software solution that is Xibo. We feel that to do this we need to make Xibo more marketable and easier to “access”. The first part of this work is now live, and you are reading it! The website has been redesigned from the ground up to provide Xibo i

Published on: 2014-08-26

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Using DataSets to display meeting room bookings

Please note a new guide is available for 1.8 here: DataSets are remarkably flexible, yet if you’ve not used them before they can appear a little daunting. In this article we’ll walk through producing a layout to show the current meeting in a meeting room, that will update automatically with information from a DataSet. The finished layout will look like this. So to begin with, you need to be using Xibo CMS 1.6.1 or later. V

Published on: 2014-05-27

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Xibo 1.6.0 is released, Spring Signage is ready!

Spring Signage are very pleased to announce that last night we released a new 1.6.0 Xibo to the Open Source community. This release represents just over a year of improvements and bug fixes – find out more over on the Xibo Announcement []. It was very important to us that our Hosting and Android customers were fully supported immediately after this release, so that is exactly what we have done! Xibo for Android The latest R31 release of Xibo

Published on: 2014-05-04

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Scripting Xibo Content Management - A brief tour of the API

Please note: This article refers to Xibo 1.7 only and has been retired from our catalogue of updated Guides. Please refer to the API Introduction Guide 1.8 [] One common use case people put forward is that they want to update a particular piece of content in a layout automatically on a schedule. That could take the form of a video being updated on a daily basis, or an image. Since Xibo 1.5 series, there has been a “work in progress” OAut

Published on: 2014-02-19

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Support for Ubuntu 12.04

Perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions we get over on Launchpad Answers [] is “Does the Python client run on Ubuntu 12.04 yet”. Until the release of 1.6.0-rc1, the answer has always been no. However thanks to the work of several contributors to the Berkelium project [], Eng Chong Meng, and to Jianjian [], we now have a version of the client that runs on Ubuntu 12.04 and hopeful

Published on: 2014-02-18

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