4 Benefits of Digital Signage for Small Business
The pandemic has had a major impact on small businesses. Xibo is here to help you learn more about how digital signage can benefit your small business.
Published on: 2021-02-23

What's new in Xibo version 3
Xibo v3 has been 18 months in the making, but what is new? This article summarises the new features.
Published on: 2021-02-09

4 Safe Alternative Digital Displays
Over the last year, we’ve seen business requirements change to focus on displays which are safer during covid-19 times.
Published on: 2021-02-08

6 Ways To Stay Safe Using Digital Signage
As we look toward a time when workplaces, hospitality, retail and education settings will fully open again, safeguarding must be a top priority.
Published on: 2021-02-01

Future Ready your Digital Signage
As we start 2021 with continued Covid-19 restrictions, store, school and workplace closures, you may feel anxious about planning Digital Signage projects when changes can happen so rapidly. Instead of feeling anxious about the future and possibility of rapid change, plan for it with Xibo Signage.
Published on: 2021-01-24

Introducing Xibo Signage Netherlands BV
The Brexit transition period comes to an end on 1st Jan 2021. To ensure continued easy access for our EU customers, we're introducing Xibo Signage Netherlands BV.
Published on: 2020-12-30

Xibo for webOS on Transparent OLED!
Since the release of Xibo for webOS back in 2017, there are now over 50 compatible models including cutting edge technology with the power of oLED!
Published on: 2020-09-23

Xibo Training School
We are very pleased to announce that our Xibo Training School is now live!
Published on: 2020-07-28

Xibo Cloud - TLS 1.0/1.1 Deprecation - Action Required
Action required by August 01, 2021 with regards to TLS 1.0 and 1.1 now considered deprecated by the security industry in favour of TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3.
Published on: 2020-06-10

Using Webkey with Xibo for Android Remote Management
Webkey is a separate application which once installed, allows remote access to view and control an Android device.
Published on: 2020-06-04

Player license pricing changes
We're reducing the price of our Android, webOS and Tizen subscription player licenses, as Xibo continues it's commitment to best-in-class capabilities at compelling and cost-effective rates.
Published on: 2020-05-20

COVID-19 Digital Signage Resources
Free resources for you to use in response to the continued spread of Coronavirus / COVID-19
Published on: 2020-03-25

Introduction to the Interrupt Layout
Create and schedule an Interrupt Layout to interrupt your usual schedule and play from the Interrupt Layout. The schedule will then resume from the point it was interrupted!
Published on: 2020-02-14

New 'Spacer' Widget
Include the new 'Spacer Widget' to set a delay so Regions start up and play at different times!
Published on: 2020-02-05

Email 'Scheduled Reports' as a PDF
Send scheduled Proof of Play reports as a PDF via email!
Published on: 2020-01-17