

Widgets are a core component of Xibo and are used to display content on a Layout or in a Playlist.

Feature Overview

  • Selection of powerful Widgets to choose from.
  • Create content quickly and easily.
  • Integrated content from third parties.
  • Show dynamic content on screens.
  • Select which Modules to make available to other users of the CMS.

All Widgets have an associated Module which tells Xibo what information is required from the User for configuration as to how it should be displayed.

Widgets can be disabled/enabled by an Administrator in the Modules section of the CMS.

Widgets are available from the Toolbox:

  • Click the top button to view available Widgets.

Widgets can be marked as Favourites to appear in their own section for easier selection:

  • Click the star icon at the top left of a Widget card.

Click the star to deselect from the Favourites section.

Widgets that have an > need to be opened to select from additional Widget templates:

Add to Layouts by drag and drop or click in the Widget card to highlight then click on the canvas to add:

  • Position and resize.
  • Configure from the available options in the Properties Panel.

Next Data Widgets