#Emergency Alert

Emergency Alert

Help to ensure the safety of staff, pupils and the public by showing alert and emergency messaging using data from Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) feeds to increase warning effectiveness across your Xibo Display network.

Feature Overview

  • CAP Connector uses data from the Common Alerting Protocol feed service.
  • Provide a CAP URL to pull alert data from CAP feeds.
  • Add from a variety Elements to tailor visual representations in the Layout editor for maximum impact.
  • Send emergency alerts to only match area specific Displays for effective targeted messaging.
  • Use industry standard filters to tailor messaging from returned data.
  • Show multiple emergency alert messages with data cycling from CAP feeds.
  • Set Criteria when Scheduling to determine if the alert should be included in the Schedule Loop for supported Players.

Player Feature Support

  • Emergency Alert
  • Emergency Alert
  • Cloud

Further Reading

Connectors Management

Data Widgets

Layout Editor

Schedule Criteria