My Account Introduction

My Account Introduction

Once registered, all products and services are available for purchase from My Account

Manage all purchased Plans, Perpetual Licences, Hardware and White Labels from your My Account dashboard.

Keep a track of how your orders are progressing:

Provide and manage Billing information:


Invite other Users to your My Account dashboard using the Team button:

Click to Invite and use the drop down menu to set a Role for the team member:

There are four Roles to select which give varying access to My Account for users:

  • Owner - has access to everything
  • Admin - has access to everything
  • Support - has access to view Plans, Perpetual Licences, White Label, Hardware and open Tickets, with no access to purchase.
  • Billing - has access to billing information only.

Include the users email address to send an invite notification

You can change a Users Role and Reset Passwords using the buttons at the end of a row for users!

My email address was rejected when I tried to sign up?

When signing up for an account, Xibo Signage may reject signups from email addresses hosted by certain providers.

This may be because the email provider hosts “disposable” email accounts, or because there are technical issues with delivering email to those providers. The sections below provide some more details for specific cases.

If you believe that we’re preventing signup from your email address wrongly, please email us at and we will be happy to investigate.

Disposable Email Accounts

It’s important that once you’ve signed up for an account, we can contact you regarding the products and services that you’ve ordered. Using a disposable email address prevents us from getting in contact with you.

Please use a non-disposable email address - such as those offered for free by Google Mail, etc, or the one offered by your internet service provider.

Any consents to be kept informed by email can be changed at anytime from the Profile section of the My Account dashboard once registered.

Apple iCloud / MobileMe

We’ve experienced significant issues with reliable email delivery within the iCloud system. Messages sent from Xibo Signage simply vanish within the iCloud system without a non-delivery report, so we don’t know if you have received our messages or not. We contacted Apple support to discuss this and to try and find a resolution, however Apple were unwilling to investigate, so we’ve been left with no option but to block signups from Apple iCloud users at this time.