Player Settings

Player Settings

Xibo for Android has a number of options that can be configured, notable options are detailed below.

Please note: If you are connected to a 1.7 CMS or later options are accessible from Display Profiles (unless otherwise stated or marked with Local Only).

Code / Email Address

The code / email address of a Licence Pool that you have permission to consume a licence from. This is located on the Edit Profile form under the General tab. This is required for continued use after the Xibo for Android 14-day trial period and is the code / email provided on purchasing the licence.

CMS Address

The address of your Xibo CMS, so that your designed Layouts can be Scheduled to this Player. This is specified on installation by clicking on “Connect to CMS” and completing the form fields.

Please note: This option is configured from the Player settings and NOT from the CMS.

CMS Secret Key

The unique Secret Key for your Xibo CMS. If you are an Admin User for the Xibo CMS this can be found on the Settings page under the Administration section of the CMS Menu. Non-admin Users should contact your System Administrator.

Display Name

The name for this Display for internal identification purposes, located from the Displays section of the CMS Menu. This name will be used in the CMS to refer to the Display when Scheduling content and checking the Display Status.

Local Library Storage Options

Xibo downloads files and resources from the CMS and stores them on the Internal Storage by default. However, it is often the case that a Signage Player will want to run on an SD card, using the External Storage option.

Please note: This option is configured from the Player settings and NOT from the CMS.

Password Settings

The settings screen can be password protected by providing a Password in the Password Protect Settings field, located under the General tab on the Edit Profile form.

Collection interval

The collection interval defines how often the client will check for new content. We recommend a collection interval of 5 minutes for most use cases. This is located under the General tab in the Edit Profile form.

Hardware Key

This is the unique Key for the Player and will be automatically generated at installation. Under normal circumstances, it will not be necessary to adjust the Hardware Key. Local Only.

Replace Splash?

Optionally replace the Splash Screen with an image from the devices photo Gallery. Local Only.


Located on the Location tab on the Edit Profile form, select Portrait/Landscape options. You must ensure that the device supports your chosen Orientation.

Start during start up?

Located on the Advanced tab of the Edit Profile form, use the tick box to choose whether Xibo should start during the devices start up routine or not. We recommend that this is ticked so that in the event of a power failure, Xibo will relaunch when the device reboots.

Action Bar Mode

The Action Bar appears along the top of the device and contains the Xibo menu items and logo. The Action Bar can be hidden (after showing once on application start), timed or it can appear after any User interaction. Make a selection from the Advanced tab on the Edit Profile form.

Action Bar Display Duration

This is the duration the action bar will remain visible after being activated.

Automatic Restart

Use the tick box to select whether Xibo should restart after a crash situation or not.

Start delay

Select the number of seconds that Xibo should wait before starting after a device restart (assuming it has been configured to start on boot).

Log Level

For debugging purposes Xibo can produce extensive logging. Logging levels to be recorded by the Player can be selected from the Troubleshooting tab on the Edit Profile form.