Tizen Installation Guide

Tizen Installation Guide

Xibo for Tizen is easy to install and configure and can be up and running in just a few minutes.

Before you begin the installation process, you should first make sure you have fulfilled the minimum requirements below:

Minimum Requirements:

  • Xibo CMS version 1.8.13 or later.
  • Your monitor must be listed as a supported model, please check compatibility here
  • Xibo for Tizen software licence required if not on a Plan.

Self hosted customers with the Independent option are required to purchase a Xibo for Tizen software Licence for each device you intend to run which is then linked to a Licence Pool.

See Player Licensing for further details.

You should also check that you are using the recommended Firmware Version for your Series and Model, please refer to our Tizen Firmware Matrix and Firmware Guide.

Prepare your monitor

It is essential that the correct Time & Date and Time zone are set on your monitor prior to player installation!

  • Use the Menu button on your remote control to access the System Menu.
  • Select Time:

You can choose to manually set the time using the Clock Set option or you can go to NTP Settings to configure an NTP Server for automatic time settings. Please note that you will find the time zone settings in the NTP Settings menu.

You can now proceed with the player installation steps!

Download the latest Xibo for Tizen Player from here

Install the Xibo for Tizen WGT

There are two methods for installing the player:

  1. Remotely via the CMS


  1. Locally using a USB device.

Install Remotely via CMS

  • Navigate to Player Versions under the Displays section of the CMS main menu.

  • Select the Add Version button.
  • Click Add files and select the downloaded WGT Player file.
  • Select the Start upload button to upload the file to your CMS.
  • When the upload is complete, click Done to close the window.

  • Next, navigate to Display Settings from the CMS main menu.
  • Use the row menu for the default Tizen profile and select Edit from the list.

  • Enter the Licence Code that you wish to use for this Player
  • Click on the Player Version field and choose the player that you uploaded previously.
  • When you have finished configuring your default Tizen profile, click Save to confirm.

Connect your Samsung display to your CMS.

After completing the steps above, click the Home button on your remote control and select URL Launcher Settings from the bottom menu:

If you click the Home button and see MagicInfo Player instead of the URL Launcher Settings, click the Menu button on your remote and navigate to the System Menu option. Choose Play Via and set this to URL Launcher, exit the menus. Next time the Home button is pressed on the remote control, you will see the URL Launcher Settings option.

  • Select the Install Web App option and enter the URL for your CMS installation. For example https://cms.example.org or http://example.org/cms

  • Click Done to confirm.

The Player will open automatically once installed. Proceed to the Configure your player section below.

Install locally via USB

When installing Xibo for Tizen, you will need to prepare your USB:

  • Create a folder at the root directory of your USB device and name it SSSP.
  • Save the Xibo for Tizen player you downloaded earlier inside the SSSP folder and rename it sssp_dl.wgt.
  • Next you will need to create a configuration file for the player using a text editor, for example Notepad . Please copy the below text into that file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • You will need to enter the version of the player you wish to install between the <ver> and </ver> brackets to complete the configuration file. For example, if you have downloaded the version 2 R201 player, you will need to enter 2.201 between those brackets.
  • Once the configuration file is complete, save it as a sssp_config.xml and copy it to the SSSP folder.

Install the player

  • Now that you have set up the USB, press the Home button on your remote control and go to the URL Launcher Settings menu.
  • Choose Install from USB Device to start the installation.

You will be prompted to enter the 4 digit pin code for your Samsung device. If you have not set a pin, you will be prompted to enter the default pin set for your device. Please refer to the manual for your device for more information.

Once you receive confirmation that the application is installed, proceed with the Configure your player section below.

Configure your player

Open your player by pressing the Home button on your remote control, then select the Xibo player from the menu at the bottom of the screen.

This will open the Connect to your CMS page.

  • CMS URL: The address for your CMS.

The CMS Address will be pre-filled if you have followed the Install via CMS method.

  • CMS Key: The secret CMS Key that will authenticate this Display with the CMS.

The secret CMS key can be viewed from the CMS under the Administration menu by clicking on Settings and the Configuration tab.

  • Email Address: The email address/ Licence Pool Code to use.

When you have entered the information for your CMS, press the Connect CMS button to confirm your settings.

Once you have successfully entered the credentials for your CMS using one of the above methods, you should see the message: Display is registered and awaiting authorisation from an administrator in the CMS.

Activate your Licence

NOTE: Please see Licensing Commercial Xibo Players for further information on licensing requirements.

  • As you have provided a Licence Pool Code in the Tizen Display Setting Profile in the CMS, Xibo will start immediately and download its content from the CMS.
  • If you have not provided a Licence Pool, a trial period will begin.

Your player will require a licence before the end of its trial period, or it will no longer receive scheduled events and media.

Display Setting Profiles

Default Profiles have been provided for you.

You only need to create a Display Setting Profile if you want to override these defaults, or if you want to provide your Licence Pool Code to all of your devices centrally.

For more information on available settings, please see Tizen Display Profile Settings.

Display Authorisation

Before the Player can receive Scheduled Events and display Layouts/Campaigns you will need to Authorise the Display to connect to the CMS.

  • Log into your CMS and click on Displays from the main menu to see your newly registered Player in the list.

  • Use the row menu for the new Player and select Authorise from the drop down menu.

  • Click Yes to confirm the authorisation of the Display.