Supported Versions and Environments
- Xibo for Android
- DSDevices DSCS9X/95 Set-up Guide
- Install a White Label or a different Player version on DSDevices
- CEC Screen Power on/off with DSDevices
- Hardware Recommendations
- Philips Signage SoC Monitors
- Sony Bravia SoC
- Hisense Commercial Displays SoC
- Managing Storage on the Android Device
- Player Settings
- Players without an Internet Connection
- Remote Administration with SS Helper
- Restart Rooted Device with a Shell Command
- Running Xibo for Android
- Resolving Common Issues
- Error shown when I try to licence my Player?
- Player not updating from the CMS?
- I can see my Licence entry but the Player appears unlicensed?
- Error message - Player is missing dependencies
- My scheduled Layouts are not working?
- Layout won't play? Splash screen plays?
- Watchdog error message
- Troubleshooting for Administrators
- Audit Trail
- Log Information
- Player Logs
- Getting the Player Status
- Request Player Status via CMS - Logged in Players only
- Request Player Status directly from a Device
- Can I use the Xibo name / logo?
- Can I run a Xibo Player on Raspberry Pi?
- How can I increase the upload file size limit?
- How do Players communicate with the CMS?
- How many displays can Xibo support?
- How do I reset the Xibo_admin account password?
- Power On/Off for Players
- Testing with Xibo
- Why do I need a Default Layout?
- Xibo for Android FAQ's
- Gapless Playback
- Autoplaying Embedded Youtube Videos
- Closing to Home screen
- Displaying Images
- Embedded TV
- External SD card not listed when running Banana-Pi
- Helper Command to change Time zone
- HTML5 Video
- Memory Notifications
- Menu not accessible
- SSL Support
- Using Portrait Displays
- Video wont play properly
Supported Versions and Environments
Xibo can be run on a variety of environments, web servers and software versions.
Prior releases are supported for a period of time after the release of a new major version:
Version | Status | Release Updates | Xibo Cloud Hosting |
4.3 | Development | - | - |
4.2 | Stable | Maintenance | Current |
4.1 | End of Life | No further updates | Existing Supported |
4.0 | End of Life | No further updates | Existing Supported |
3.3 | Supported | Maintenance | Existing Supported |
3.2 | End of Life | No further updates | Not Supported |
3.1 | End of Life | No further updates | Not Supported |
3.0 | End of Life | No further updates | Not Supported |
2.3 | End of Life | No further updates | Not Supported |
2.2 | End of Life | No further updates | Not Supported |
2.1 | End of Life | No further updates | Not Supported |
2.0 | End of Life | No further updates | Not Supported |
1.8 | End of Life | No further updates | Not Supported |
Where customers choose to self-host their CMS, then best-effort support provided by our Community is available on our Community site. Helpdesk support is not provided.
Where customers choose to Cloud host their CMS or add their self-hosted CMS to our Enterprise Plan (subject to it meeting the Supported Environments outlined below) then access to our Helpdesk is included and you are welcome to open tickets regarding your CMS or Players (provided that they are a supported version).
Release Support - Players
Our general recommendation is that your CMS and Players should be of the same major version for best results. For example a version 4 Player with a version 4.x CMS.
The current stable Player version is supported and recommended, and support is offered for the most recent previous major Player version too. Anything outside of that is unsupported and the user will need to upgrade to a supported version to access support.
Xibo for Windows
Major Version | Status | Release Updates | Required OS | Recommended OS |
4 | Current | Features and Maintenance | Windows 10 or later | Windows 10 Professional build 1909 or later |
3 | Supported | Security | Windows 10 or later | Windows 10 Professional build 1909 or later |
2 | End of Life | No further updates | Windows 7 or later (up to v2 R203 ) | Windows 10 Professional build 1909 or later |
1 | End of Life | No further updates |
Not compatible with ARM-based CPUs
Xibo for Linux
Major Version | Status | Release Updates | Required OS | Recommended OS |
1 | Community Support only | Features and Maintenance | 64 bit Linux supporting the Snapcraft distribution platform | 64 bit Linux supporting the Snapcraft distribution platform |
64 bit AMD/Intel CPU required. Not compatible with 32 bit or ARM based CPUs
Xibo for Android
Major Version | Status | Release Updates | Required OS | Recommended OS |
4 | Current | Features and Maintenance | Android 7 | Android 9 or later |
3 | Supported | Security | Android 6 | Android 7.1 or later |
2 | End of Life | No further updates | Android 4.4 | Android 7.1 or later |
1 | End of Life | No further updates | Android 4.4 | Android 7.1 or later |
Xibo for webOS
Major Versions | Status | Release Updates | Required OS | Recommended OS |
4 | Current | Features and Maintenance | webOS 3.0 or later | Supported Monitors |
3 | Supported | Security | webOS 3.0 or later | Supported Monitors |
2 | End of Life | No further updates | webOS 3.0 or later | Supported Monitors |
1 | End of Life | No further updates | webOS 3.0 or later | Supported Monitors |
Xibo for Tizen
Major Versions | Status | Release Updates | Required OS | Recommended OS |
4 | Current | Features and Maintenance | Samsung signage monitors SSSP5 or later | Supported Monitors |
3 | Supported | Security | Samsung signage monitors SSSP5 or later | Supported Monitors |
2 | End of Life | No further updates | Samsung signage monitors SSSP5 or later | Supported Monitors |
1 | End of Life | No further updates | Samsung signage monitors SSSP5 or later | Supported Monitors |
Xibo for ChromeOS
Major Versions | Status | Release Updates |
4 | Current | Features and Maintenance |
Helpdesk Support
Helpdesk support is for the installation, configuration and licensing of our Commercial Players (Xibo for Android, webOS, Tizen and ChromeOS) only, except where Players are connected to a Cloud Hosted CMS, or a self-hosted CMS covered on the Enterprise Plan, or under a legacy Support Contract.
Customers with Perpetual Player licenses may need to purchase upgrades and upgrade their Player version to be able to access Helpdesk support.
The Linux Player is a Community-contributed Player and whilst you may use it with a Cloud CMS or a CMS hosted on an Enterprise Plan, we regret that we cannot offer support for it at the current time.
Supported Environments
The following lists the recommended environment that is required for a self-hosted CMS to be included and supported as part of an Enterprise Plan, or to be covered under a legacy Enterprise Support Contract, or for the Xibo team to offer paid per-incident support via the Helpdesk.
Should you choose to install the Xibo CMS outside of this supported configuration, support and advice will only be available via the Community and may be limited.
Supportable Configuration
Ubuntu Server 64 bit running on an x86-64 architecture CPU - any current LTS release (20.04, 22.04, 24.04) or the Debian equivalent.
Minimum 4GB RAM.
Minimum 20GB free storage space (SSD/NVMe ideally), plus however much storage you will need to upload your content to the CMS, and to store any logs and proof of play data you might want to collect.
Access to the server running the CMS via SSH/HTTPS or TeamViewer, or TeamViewer access to a workstation with SSH/HTTPS access to the CMS. Access must be possible as the user
or as a user with fullsudo
permissions to becomeroot
. -
Server must have access to the Internet to download the provided container images.
Installation with Docker using the docker-compose files we provide for the CMS installation
Optionally (but recommended) an nginx or Apache reverse proxy infront of the CMS handling TLS termination
One each of a cms-web, one cms-db, one cms-xmr container, and with memcached enabled
No modifications to the contents of the provided containers
Any white labelling must be applied by the use of a theme. We reserve the right to temporarily disable the theme to see if a custom theme is the cause of any issues with the CMS
Any custom code must be in the form of a separate custom module or middleware. We reserve the right to temporarily disable any custom code to see if it is the cause of any issues with the CMS. Any custom code falls outside the scope of support.